A Complete Guide on Microservices interview questions | Global Net Bit

Gaurav Singha
4 min readApr 6, 2021


Microservices is a design based on an architectural program used for building a dispensed application using containers. This design’s usage is continuously enlarging in the development world as the developers are now willing to create large and more complicated applications that are much evolved and controlled well with the combination of more minor services that will work more collectively together for more great commonly, application-wide serviceability.

As there is an increasing demand for the microservices architecture by developers, so many institutes have decided to provide some microservices certification courses to students who want to be web developers in the future. Top industry experts always curate this training. This training will give them an introduction to the service-oriented structures. It then goes in detailing ‘bout the Spring Boot and Spring Cloud frameworks that help develop microservices.

It also helps the students to learn about many complex topics like designing principles, high cohesion, resilience, etc. In exams, the trainers try to examine the candidates’ skills and knowledge to develop reliable JEE applications in a micro-services-style environment. It mainly focuses on the micro profile APIs to develop microservices enterprise Java applications. During a microservices interview question and answer program, the common questions which are primarily asked include the following:-

Why this architecture program is named “microservices”?

The microservices certificate course goes into a complete detailing of the topic to acquire proper knowledge. So, it is quite natural that these can be quickly asked during the microservices interview question and answer program. The main reason behind the name “microservices” is that each part of the application works as a separate service.

What are the most commonly used tools in microservices?

The commonly used tools in microservices mainly include Wiremock, Docker, and Hysrix.

What is the use of containers in microservices?

This is one of the epoch-making questions during a microservices interview question and answer program. The microservices architecture uses containers as it is the effective way to maintain the service, and it also helps an individual develop and deploy.

What are the benefits of Microservices:-

The microservices certificate course teaches the advantages of using a microservices architecture program, which is as follows:-

  • Provides better data security and compliance
  • Have better scalability
  • Works in a more organized manner
  • Ameliorated productivity and speed
  • Proper maintenance of applications
  • Loosely coupled

What is Monolithic Architecture?

This question is quite common in a microservices interview question and answer program. A monolithic service is a traditional-based extensive system having a one-code base service.

What is the difference between Microservices & Monolithic Architecture:-

A monolithic service is a traditional-based extensive system having a single unified service. In short, here, the whole context is composed in one place. On the contrary, in microservices, the applications are divided into small parts to perform their own more independently and smoothly. Being a simple one-code-based system, a monolithic architecture is more suitable for lightweight applications. On the other hand, by forming small units, microservices become much more ideal for all the complicated applications with clear domains.

One of the significant limitations of monolithic architecture is tight coupling, as any implementation of changes can affect the whole system. But, there be no such problems in microservices as each application functions separately and does not affect the entire application. Microservices also provide better scalability than a monolithic system.

How do the services communicate with their clients?

Here, the services communicate with their clients or with each other, using lightweight protocols, over messaging, or HTTP.

What are the examples of microservices?

The microservices certificate course explains the following vital examples of microservices.

Frameworks for Java:-

  • Spring Boot- This is one of the best Java microservices applications that function on top of languages for the inversion of Aspect-Oriented Programming, Control, and others.
  • Jersey — This is an open-source framework that supports JAX-RS APIs in Java and is very easy to use.
  • Swagger- The primary significance of this framework is that it helps in documenting API and provides a development portal, which, in turn, allows the user to examine their APIs.

Elucidate the three types of tests involved in microservices.

The microservices certificate course tells ‘about three types tests of microservices which are:-

a) Bottom-level test -This is a general test like unit tests and is completely automated.

b) Middle-level test-This is based on explorations like stress tests, usability tests, etc.

c) Top-level test- This is mainly done to know about various software features.

Name some esteemed companies which are using microservices.

The widely populated websites like Netflix, Amazon, Twitter, etc., have updated them

themselves from monolithic architecture to microservices architecture.

What is the function of a Docker?

Docker provides a container environment that helps in the smooth and efficient hosting of any application.

What does microservices architecture face challenges?

  • No guarantee in improving efficiency
  • Increase of complexity in the applications due to small size
  • Uncertain domains

Some important terms related to microservices certificate course-

CDC- Consumer-Driven Contract is a pattern for developing microservices so that the external systems can use them efficiently.

Reactive Extensions- This is also known as Rx. It is a design pattern that helps collect results by contacting multiple services and then ending up with a compiled response.

OAuth- This is an open- authorization protocol.

Since its genesis in 2011, microservices have made a huge impact in the world of developing organizations. According to an Nginx survey, almost 36% of the enterprises are currently using microservices programs, while the rest, 26%, is still performing for implementing further changes or development in this architecture.

Read More: Best healthy comparison between Angular Vs. React

Originally published at https://www.globalnetbit.com on April 6, 2021.



Gaurav Singha
Gaurav Singha

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