A few essential Angular interview questions which can exist — Dot Net Tricks

Gaurav Singha
4 min readApr 6, 2021


Last Updated on April 9, 2021 by Prashant Gorule

Angular is a programing language that uses JavaScript programming, and modern industry developers require many in-demand frameworks that this language offers. By learning and understanding an Angular course, you improve your ever-expanding knowledge and give yourself better chances of securing a high-paying job. This article will talk about the different angular interview questions that can exist in Angular interviews. We will also understand some fundamental building blocks about how you can answer these complex questions.

This question is ubiquitous and often comes as angular interview questions in almost every sector of the industry. In the early days of technology, JavaScript was pretty young, too and VanillaJS and JQuery were the most prevalent languages in existence. They offered many dynamic website development features, but the internet wanted more logic. The need for more logic gave birth to client-side frameworks such as Angular. Angular works on a principle of components and divides each program’s complex features into smaller component bits. Client-side development frameworks allow a lot of advanced development solutions like single-page web applications. Angular helps develop single-page applications in a much simple manner than VanillaJS.

Every Angular course development app consists of a particular file with the name angular.json. This file contains all the essential configuration details that configure every aspect of the app. When the developer builds the app, they look at this file to find an entry point into the application. Inside the build section of this file, an object’s main characteristic can define the application’s actual entry point. We can sometimes refer to this characteristic inside the JSON file as main.ts. The main file creates a safe browser environment where the application can run without any hindrance. There is also a function with the name bootstrap Module, which bootstraps the whole application.

Always try to answer these angular interview questions systematically to avoid confusion.

Angular does not require you to download any additional features such as state management and routing. Such characteristics come with Angular under a single package, and there are no other downloads necessary.

The UI of angular uses HTTP to render all its aspects and functions. HTTP is a very declarative language, and you can understand it much easier in comparison to JavaScript.

Angular and Google are on good terms now, and they are announcing long-term support with each other as well. Google is the most prominent search engine globally and one of the biggest multi-national companies in existence. Great software like Angular can take incredible benefits from this partnership.


Angular JS uses a model view controller architecture containing all the business logic, view shows, and controller process information. The angular course replaces all the controllers with components, which are small packets of information in a predefined template.

The language

Angular JS uses JavaScript language, which you can type dynamically.

Angular uses typescript language, which is a type of JavaScript language forming using statistically typed languages. Non-JavaScript Angular language provides a lot of performance benefits when you develop large applications.

Support for mobile devices

Angular JS does not allow any support for mobile devices.

Non-JavaScript Angular provides extensive support for every popular mobile device in the market.

The structure

When you develop an extensive application, code management can become a chore while using AngularJS.

Non-JavaScript Angular allows the maintenance and rearrangement of large codes and also provides structure to the whole code.

Expressing Syntax

Building an event or a property is significantly easier in Typeface angular because you can use brackets to arrange events. In AngularJS, the developer has to memorize the correct ng-directive to building an event or property.

In angular interview questions, the examiners will try to get an overview of your understanding of Angular’s different aspects.

You can make a new angular in the app itself by typing ‘ ng new angular app

The above command will create a personal angular application in your choice of directory.

Components- In the Angular course, components act as a building block for every application you create and control every part of each application. You can define a component by using the @component decorator near your syntax. Every component you define consists of three significant parts, which loads all components’ view. A stylesheet establishes the look and feel, and a class contains business logic for your components.

Modules- Modules is a place where developers group all components, services, directives, and connections. Modules define the permissions which independent components and directives use to share information with other modules. Developers can define modules by using the @ngmodule decorator.

Services- Services are objects which connect with other modules and share information. These objects can instantiate only once in their lifetime and help collectively manage all Angular application components. You can define a service using the @injectable decorator.

Read more: https://www.mddir.com/hub/how-chicago-based-businesses-can-benefit-from-moving-to-a-smaller-space/

Originally published at https://www.mddir.com on April 6, 2021.



Gaurav Singha
Gaurav Singha

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