Loopio Review — Rfpio login, Features, Pricing & Demo and Alternatives

Gaurav Singha
6 min readFeb 23, 2021

Loopio is RFP management software that permits you to make your business recommendations and adequately react to demands for the proposition, requests for data, and security surveys. The product intends for medium-sized to enormous organizations in an assortment of industry areas.

Loopio’s numerous RFP Automation highlights permit you to deal with your whole reaction measure directly from the product. The program accompanies progressed content administration capacities. You can utilize it to coordinate your substance library using a custom construction with classes, subcategories, and labels. Loopio allows you to keep your substance new and essential by investigating it consistently and disposing any pointless copies. At long last, it guarantees that you can reuse any new sense made while reacting to demands for data or recommendations, as it very well may be coordinated into the Library for some time later.

Loopio likewise has numerous reaction robotization works that smooth out your activities and permit you to react to RFPs, RFIs, and security polls much quicker. Its RFP process includes making formats that can be altered with required substance, guaranteeing that your reactions consistently have your marking components, and advance mindfulness and faithfulness. On account of Loopio’s astute import and fair usefulness, you can acquire information from Word, Excel, or PDF reports and afterward send out your reactions back into the first source archive.

Loopio Business Proposal Outline has incorporated different cloud-based frameworks and business programming. Models include Centrify, Okta, and Salesforce CRM. These reconciliations permit you to trade information between other frameworks you use consistently effortlessly.

In general, Loopio is a fantastic RFP management software. On the off chance that your business as often as possible needs to react to demands for recommendations or data, it has many fascinating highlights that accelerate the interaction and help guarantee that you give exact and steady reactions.

RFPIO Product Features

Multi-Language Library Sort out and search your Library Entries in numerous dialects.

· Tweaked Categories

Minister your information insightfully with Stacks, Tags and the sky is the limit from there.

· Library Users

Allow your exclusive deals to group see your substance Library.

· Newness Score

Effectively see when your substance was last checked on or refreshed.

· Copy Detection

Keep your Library spotless and cleaned up naturally.

Storing and update ordinarily utilized pictures and reports.

LOOPIO Pricing

Reactions with Plans That Scale with Your Business

Loopio’s adaptable evaluating allows you to use our foundation’s shrewd substance the board and mechanization highlights for the entirety of your reactions-from RFPs and Security Questionnaires to deals recommendations and then some.

Become Faster with Unlimited Projects

Limitless Projects

Limitless Projects mean limitless freedoms to win. With Loopio, your group can chip away at however many Projects as they would like, simultaneously, without any limitations.

Adaptable Users

With our adjustable authorizations, your clients can do so a lot-or as little-as you need them to-control who can construct Projects, update the Library, or Review reactions.

Loopio Demo

Prepared to Level Up Your Response Process?

Smooth out your group’s full poll reaction measure. Perceive how Loopio gets it going.

If you have illustrations in your proposition, this is not the item for you. As an IT firm, we utilize a lot of images to clarify our answer. I got some information about the designs during the demo, and it never demonstrated to me that illustrations would need to be changed over to an image and transferred. I do not feel like the demo was a fair portrayal of the item. I attempted to work with the thing yet never found a workaround.

Loopio Login

Follow these simple advances:

Stage 1. Go to the Loopio Login page through a real connection underneath.

Stage 2. Login utilizing your username and secret key. Login screen shows up upon user login.

Stage 3. If you actually cannot get to Loopio Login, see Troubleshooting choices here.

Loopio Alternatives

How do RFPIO alternatives compare?

Qorus Software and ClientPoint stand apart as their top rivals, dependent on likeness, prominence, and client surveys. When contrasting Loopio with its main 100 other options, Promena e-Sourcing has the most noteworthy rating, with Prokuria as the next in line and Loopio positioning 46th spot. PandaDoc has the most surveys with a sum of 749, while Loopio has 69. Clients say Prokuria tops the rundown for esteem for cash, followed by The GreenRFP, while Loopio comes in 31st. Clients additionally say Prokuria and SupplierSelect are the least demanding to utilize, while Loopio assumes the 22nd position.

How do I choose the best Loopio alternative?

Peruse our rundown of rivals to discover the instrument that is ideal for your group and work process. Channel applications by highlights, estimating, evaluations, incorporations, gadgets, and that is just the beginning. Peruse confirmed audits and find what others in your industry are utilizing-contrast applications next to each other with locating the best counterpart for your business.

Xait Porter

XaitPorter is a finished across-the-board co-writing programming answer for groups to make, oversee and produce records cooperatively. Smooth out and improve your report creation to boost your income from offers and propositions and other business-basic documents.


Upland Qvidian mechanizes away the drawn-out and disappointing in your RFP reaction and proposition measures. With Qvidian, deals and proposition groups can team up easily to rapidly convey cleaned and consistent recommendations, introductions, and deals reports. With an unparalleled 25 years of involvement, more than 1,000 organizations and 200,000 clients overall depend on Qvidian to fulfill time constraints, tame proposition content confusion, and win more arrangements.


Make focused on proposition and RFP reactions that succeed. Alter and gather recommendations up to multiple times quicker while working together with topic specialists flawlessly. Utilize our incredible suggestions motor to empower your group to locate the most modern, marked, and essential bits of substance, even as your substance library keeps extending. Fabricate customized proposition and find solutions to RFPs focused on your possibilities in minutes versus hours.


RocketDocs is an incorporated deals enablement stage that helps customers and enterprises prevail by moving at the speed of deals with the force of efficiency. Our foundation of arrangements makes it simpler than at any other time to make and react to RFPs, RFIs, and polls, just as gather and design propositions, agreements and deals insurance. With more than 25 years of development added to our repertoire, we understand the stuff to construct durable, necessary, proficient arrangements.


At RFP360, we influence the best developments innovation can offer to work on the RFP cycle. Perhaps you convey RFPs and are searching for a superior method to analyze reactions. Or then again, maybe you react to RFPs and need to have the option to discover and reuse past substances quicker. In any case, we can help. With our industry-driving RFP programming, we engage individuals like you to zero in additional time and energy on your center business’s main thing.


Zbizlink is a definitive portfolio and proposition the executive’s apparatus giving task status, measurements, and current reports, open from the cloud-based dashboard. In other words, you can undoubtedly transfer, download, and track every one of your archives and documents in the executives’ workspace.

Zbizlink’s RFP management software savvy autofill highlight, and unlimited Library of layouts make your work such a great deal simpler, permitting you more opportunity to zero in on the undeniable level assignments that require explicit ability.

Coordinated effort:

Zbizlink permits colleagues, authors, editors, and topic specialists to share data and work straightforwardly. It cultivates profitable cooperation by making it exceptionally simple to cooperate continuously, day in and day out. The archive creation and altering measures between clients, groups, and accomplices are smoothed out with fantastic appraisal apparatuses, changing devices in the program, and excellent layouts. Email and live talk are accessible from each module, and you can convey notices and alarms progressively.

The registration/checkout highlight tracks client movement, progress, and report history. This information can likewise see as reports, which are easy to run and simple to redo. One can concede access on a proposition-explicit premise.

Originally published at http://techprotool.com on February 23, 2021.

