RFP360 Review — Rfpio login, Features, Pricing & Demo and Alternatives

Gaurav Singha
6 min readFeb 24, 2021

About RFP360

RFP360 is an acquisition programming suite used to computerize RFP work processes. It is an instrument that helps organizations and associations in mentioning, giving, and reacting to propositions quickly. With RFP360, business, government, and non-benefit foundations can have whole groups cooperating on their RFPs. The RFP management software application empowers cooperation inside its foundation, boosting groups’ profitability and decreasing time spent on the interaction.

Moreover, RFP360 is a cloud-based stage. It implies that clients can get data put away to request proposals nonstop and consistently update the latest project situations. Besides, associations can have confidence that delicate records and data are put away safely in the information base of RFP360. The RFP response and arrangement outfits with strong safety efforts that ensure relentless information.

RFP360 Product Features

· Distribute

Welcome explicit merchants or post a public connection so invested individuals can discover your RFP.

· Team up

Merchants unite various colleagues in a similar form. Set up your proposition rapidly and adequately.

· Search Responses

Influence past reactions with a tick. Keep RFP reactions refreshed and available.

· Oversee Tasks

Track proposition status continuously. Relegate composing and supporting errands with due dates and warnings.

· Fare and Archive

Fare into Word/Excel for your documented purposes. Your reactions and whole recommendations are put away for some time in the future.

· Submit Proposals

For RFPs made in our framework, submit the finished proposition with a tick. For outside RFPs, trade, and offer.

· Gather Proposals

Accumulate your seller reactions naturally. You can message your merchants during their reacting period.

· Score Responses

Draw in your assessment group, where they can score and make notes, straightforwardly in the proposition.

· Select Vendor

You are backing your choices unhesitatingly. View merchant correlations, scoring synopses, and fare the entirety of the detail for introductions.

  • Business Proposal Outline (RFP) creation for different clients.
  • Work process controls for endorsements.
  • Library of formats and primary segments.
  • Complete merchant understanding during RFP reacting.
  • Messages with merchants.
  • Weighted scoring calculation setup.
  • Simple web-based scoring for evaluators.
  • Fare of proposition for use in different applications.

RFP360 Pricing

RFP360 is a valuable device for associations that work with RFPs always. Endeavor valuing for the application starts at $6,500.00 each year. To demand a statement, contact a salesperson through telephone, email, or web structure.

Valuing depends on the quantity of RFP/RFI occasions you need to direct. Volume limits after ten events in a year. Limitless inside clients.

RFP360 Demo

We set to assemble something better. Building extraordinary programming that conveys prompt worth, reliable client connections that last, and a culture that cultivates advancement — that is our core interest.

See why the above 23,000 clients trust RFP360 to issue and react to RFPs. See direct how RFP360 can help you:

  • Improve coordinated effort.
  • Store and sort out regularly utilized substances.
  • Exploit demonstrated RFP layouts.
  • Break down advancement and results initially.

RFP356 Login

The solitary start to finish proposition programming available, RFP360, makes RFPs simpler for the two purchasers and merchants. Snatch life by the RFP!

Follow these simple advances:

Stage 1. Go to the Rfp360 Login page using the real connection beneath.

Stage 2. Login utilizing your username and secret phrase. Login screen shows up upon user login.

Stage 3. On the off chance that you actually cannot get to Rfp360 Login, see Troubleshooting choices here.

RFP360 Alternatives

How do RFP360 alternatives compare?

Ovidian and Supplier Select stand apart as its top rivals, dependent on likeness, fame, and client surveys. When contrasting RFP360 with its main 100 other options, Promena e-Sourcing has the most noteworthy rating, with Prokuria as the next in line and RFP360 positioning 57th spot. PandaDoc has the most audits with an aggregate of 750, while RFP360 has 172. Clients say Prokuria tops the rundown for esteem for cash followed by source, while RFP360 comes in 45th. Clients likewise say SupplierSelect and Prokuria are the simplest to utilize, while RFP360 takes the 56th spot.

How do I choose the best RFP360 alternative?

Peruse our rundown of rivals to discover the apparatus that is appropriate for your group and work process. Channel applications by highlights, evaluating, appraisals, incorporations, gadgets, and that’s just the beginning. Peruse confirmed surveys and find what others in your industry are utilizing-contrast applications next to each other with locating the best counterpart for your business.


ProcureWare is a coordinated acquirement framework for provider the board, e-sourcing, and contract the executives that give associations the devices they need to drive measure effectiveness and cost reserve funds all through the endeavor. Exceptional enough for the center acquirement group and essential for use in a decentralized obtainment association, ProcureWare brings acquisition measures out of the shadows to make quantifiable investment funds. Utilize one or the entirety of the accessible answers to address your issues.


Prokuria helps acquisition groups with: (1) Faster and ideal provider choice through dispatching a wide range of sourcing occasions like RFIs, RFQs, RFPs, Reverse Auction, Dutch Auction, Dynamic Allocation. (2) Efficiently and agreeably deal with their providers and agreements lifecycle with devices like provider relationship the executives, division, execution audits, onboarding, scorecards. (3) Boost interior joint effort, arrangement with partners, and speed of business.


Quartzy is the world’s driving profitability research center. Quartzy extraordinarily improves life science organizations’ profitability with a consistent reconciliation of exploration work processes, business cycles, and supply chains to help researchers, lab administrators, and money groups digitize the remarkable work process.


Approve.com is an advanced acquisition stage that helps Finance and Procurement groups deal with their organization’s spend activities and assume responsibility for spending. Approve.com offers worked on buy demands, smoothed out endorsements, seller data the executives, and gives information driven bits of knowledge.

Promena e-Sourcing

Promena offers e-Procurement, e-Sourcing, e-Auction, and SRM arrangements to give high effectiveness, effective control of time, work, and cost investment funds to its clients in their buying exercises. On account of Promena, you can provide the most proficient improvement in expense, efficiency, straightforwardness, and danger the board boundaries inside your production network. Reach us and convey your buying exercises to the cloud through our online e-sourcing stage.


Zbizlink is a wholly highlighted RFP response tool intended to serve Agencies, Startups. Zbizlink gives a start to finish arrangements intended for Web App. This response to the request for proposals offers Revision Management, Automatic Formatting, Version Control, Requirements Management, Calendar Management in one spot.

Portfolio Management:

Zbizlink is a definitive portfolio and proposition the board device giving undertaking status, measurements, and current reports, open from the cloud-based dashboard. In the board workspace chronicles, you can move, download, and track all of your records and information without a very remarkable stretch.

Zbizlink’s shrewd autofill includes an unlimited library of layouts that make your work such a great deal simpler, permitting you more opportunity to zero in on the undeniable level assignments that require explicit mastery.

The metadata comprises of the sort of agreement, name of contracting organization, date of accommodation, name of creators, editors, and accomplices, and incorporates the status-”Go” or “Off-limits”- and whether each “Go” brought about a success or a misfortune. Customer input and audits are put away with submitted recommendations, and extra notes or “exercises learned” can be recorded with each offer or opportunity.

Zbizlink incorporates its SharePoint asset library and an agreements information base. Where you can look for contracts, proposition, RFPs, or any record-by subject, information type, creator, requesting number, classification, dollar-esteem range, acquisition organization or bidder, NIGP code, date range, date of creation or last adjustment, accomplice, and additionally by catchphrase or expression.

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Originally published at http://techprotool.com on February 24, 2021.

